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Curious Pastimes is run by a host of people.
We have teams covering the logistics of the event, the running of the game world, catering, medical and building all our props.
In total there are somewhere close to 200 people involved in making Curious Pastimes more than just a dream but an actual world which comes to life for our players.
We have a bunch of ideas about the world we want to bring you but the most important of these is the concept that we play in a way which helps other people enjoy their game more. For all our games, the culture and atmosphere are founded on inclusiveness but are also about looking to provide space in which playing makes other peoples’ experience of the game better.
Our best is where we as players provide others opportunities to play, to explore and is deeply reciprocal.
More than that, we strongly consider that there is no ‘winning’ at Curious Pastimes - only experiences that lead our characters from one thing to the next. Those events might be full of angst, intense, heroic or tragic. They are frequently beyond our individual control and our plots are designed to bring people together to collaborate, not to privilege individuals.
To that end our system is designed so that new players can have as deep an impact as long time veterans.
In the course of playing you will encounter our Event team - who you’ll recognise wearing yellow hi vis. What they say goes - no questions asked. Without them we can’t run and everyone listens when our Event team speak. If you’re having issues around safety, logistics or just want to ask a question about how things work then they’re there for you.
Before the game starts and at certain times during you’ll come across GOD (the Game Organisation Desk, like an actual God but not quite the same). They help you generate characters, manage resources and are a point of call if you have a question about the interface between in game and out of game subjects like foraging and collecting spell cards.
You’ll also encounter Faction referees. Factions are the nations of Curious Pastimes and are each run by a team and coordinated behind the scenes by Faction Command. You’ll recognise them because they’re likely wearing a radio and spend much of their time directing players to what is happening. If you have questions about what’s happening, how something can be paid for, or just want to know something while in the game - they’re your first port of call.
Behind the scenes and often wearing white tabards with big R’s on them are Game Team. Counterparts to our Faction teams, they aren’t assigned to a particular faction but work to support the game as a whole. They’re often helping our monsters to deliver on their briefs or trying to help coordinate the game when players choose to go off in directions no one anticipated! If you see someone wearing a white tabard, they’re there to help. They may not know the answer straight away but they will point you to someone who does or will come back to you with the information you need.