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This is a collective term for those sentient creatures that, whilst humanoid in form, have strong animal associations and features. These features may range from elongated canines, strange eyes and distorted facial characteristics, to fur or scales, clawed hands and feet or tails. Their typical lifespan is 60 to 100 years.
Humanoid in form, but short in stature, Dwarves are thought to be more long-lived than humans. Dwarves will generally have finely crafted clothing and equipment that will be cared for and maintained in a fastidious manner. Although mythology pits the races of dwarves and elves against each other, there is little or no evidence to support such inter-racial hatred. Their typical lifespan is 200 to 400 years.
Like nature itself, elves are wide ranging in both their appearance and attitude. From the wild and unpredictable, to the calm and serene (sometimes within the same individual), there is little above their facial features and respect for the land that is common to all. Elven longevity and appearance has given rise to much speculation about links with the alleged immortals called the Fae. Their typical lifespan is 200 to 900 years.
It is unclear whether this is a race apart from mainstream elves or whether some ancient cataclysm separated them many generations ago, but the respect for nature prevalent amongst many elves is often notably absent. Generally dark elves live in deep underground complexes – some of which are ruled by matriarchal societies – and tend to have different skin tones to their above ground cousins. Some few others have found similarly isolated and secluded places on the surface and have developed physical differences to their underground brethren, with the exception of the pointed ears common to all elvenkind. Their typical lifespan is 200 to 900 years.
The most widespread of all the species, humans are generally considered a young race. Yet the proliferation of humankind is undeniable and their main strength is in their seemingly infinite capacity for variety. Of all races humans are the most capable at mastering a wide range of skills and abilities. Their typical lifespan is 60 to 100 years.
These are a widespread and varied race and it is often difficult to tell where the goblin race ends and the Orc race begins. In general goblins are of a slighter build, with sharper facial characteristics and tend to be shorter lived than Orcs. Though wild as individuals, they are capable of reaching great heights of achievement. What they do not know or possess, they will beg, borrow or steal and their behaviour and dealings with other races will usually depend upon their immediate personal or clan needs. Their typical lifespan is 60 to 100 years.
Ogres are a large and proud race whose strength and raw courage is legendary. Their physical presence and strength of will makes it easy for them to berate, and press into service, lesser races for their own whims. An Ogre’s life can be characterised as a series of brutal incidents strung together around eating and drinking, which makes them very abrupt in their dealings with others, with a tendency to trample over the ‘social niceties’ that other races hold dear, without understanding the offence they have caused. Ogres have a magpie-like attitude to dress; as bright as possible and as much as possible, with their obviously savage appearance further enhanced by baroque styles of armour and viciously detailed weaponry. Their typical lifespan is 60 to 100 years.
Physically, there is no such thing as an average Orc; they come in a variety of skin colours and sizes, although a dark skin does seem to be common. Their tendency to regard survival of the fittest as the central tenet of child care means that they are generally tough, robust creatures. This makes them ferocious fighters who combine sly cunning with a determination to succeed at all costs. It is difficult to argue that Orcs are inherently ‘evil’; they are simply products of the environment in which they are bred. Their typical lifespan is 60 to 100 years.
The common image of a Troll is that of a foul, violent creature with little concern for other creatures or, indeed, the world at large. However, folklore does this race a great injustice. Trolls are large and varied hominids, whose skin colour and texture generally reflects the climate from which they originate. For example, those from the far north may have a smooth, pallid skin with coarse patches of hair while those that dwell in more temperate latitudes may have skin colours that tend towards a swamp green or a rock grey, again depending on their origin. Their mode of dress often reflects their deliberate and contemplative nature, e.g. multi-layered with many odds and ends attached, each with some significance to the Troll in question. Trolls are extremely methodical in nature and can spend a long time considering many factors before acting upon a problem. This often leads to the misconception of low intelligence in these creatures. Trolls are also extremely sensitive to the nature that surrounds them and may often sit ‘communing with nature’ for long periods. This activity is thought to give rise to the myth of Trolls turning to stone in sunlight. A single Troll will have the same capacity for good and evil as any other being, but their size and their indifference to adversity gives them a better than average aptitude for martial skills and behaviour. Trolls are not necessarily averse to magic but it is undoubtedly true that Troll mages are very rare. Their typical lifespan is 60 to 100 years.
A character may be of mixed heritage, though a player must choose only one of the racial veteran skill groups from their background. This must be decided at the point of designing their character.
If a player wishes to design a character that does not fall into one of the above race descriptions then they may do so. A player may only play a non-standard race with the permission of CP and this must be obtained prior to an event. In collaboration with the individual, CP will select which existing list of racial veteran skills are to be used as the character progresses.
Races outside of the standard must be identified by very distinctive make up, dress and actions making them clearly different from the normal, and a player is advised to discuss their ideas with their faction command or another member of staff for guidance as to what will fit within the game world.
There are NPCs within CP made up from many different races or types of creature, these have specific abilities and powers which mean they are not permitted as player characters, such beings include but are not limited to: